Ifigenia Ioannou was born in Athens in 1981 and at the age of 8 she started her studies in classical guitar. Graduated from the Experimental Music High School & Lyceum of Pallini and continued her musical studies by obtaining a Bachelor of Harmony, a Bachelor of Guitar, a Diploma of Guitar with A’ prize, a Bachelor of Counterpoint and a Bachelor of Fugue. He holds a degree from the Department of Folk & Traditional Music of TEI of Epirus, with specialization in canon music, as well as a Master’s degree from the Department of Music Studies of the National and National University of Athens. The subject is “Interpretation of Instrumental & Instrumental Music”, with a specialization in the field of music of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), with the subject “Interpretation of Instrumental & Instrumental Music”. Vocal Music”.

He participates in the music group “Esperanto” and “Rebetika with Guitars” by Dimitris Mystakidis, he collaborated with Dimitris Lappas in the music group “Ta Piragmena”. To date he has participated in a series of performances with various artistic groups in music scenes in Thessaloniki, Athens and abroad.

In 2020 she created the music orchestra “Ensemble of Smyrna and Rebecca Music” at the Greek Music Centre “Phoebus Anogeianakis” and in the same year she held a masterclass in vocal performance entitled “Rita Abatzi – Rosa Eskenazy: comparative study of vocal technique and performance“. The same masterclass was delivered online in 2021 with the organisation of the Greek Fringe. In the summer of 2022 he held the workshop “Smyrna and Rebbe singing” at the Music Courts in Raches of Ikaria.

In 2022 he created the orchestra of traditional and Smyrna music “Iphigenia Ioannou & Eivala”, making a series of performances throughout the country.

He teaches at the Athens Music School and at the Greek Music Centre “Phoebus Anoyeianakis”.